Accelerated Nursing Programs are a great solution if you already have a Bachelor Degree in something other than nursing, but wish to become a registered nurse. I went through an accelerated BSN program years ago when I changed my major late in college and decided to pursue nursing. In this video I go over what an Accelerated BSN program is, what the prerequisites are, how to succeed in one, and what you can expect once in the program. I’ll share my work experience, and how to have balance between life and school while in nursing school.
Next week I start my job as a Family Nurse Practitioner! I had quite the emotional week, including reflections on mental health during school, a rough birthday, and the expected jitters before I dive into my NP job. In this video I’ll chat about some of those fun emotional detours, while also show off my new NP binder that I will use as a resource for my practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Feel Free to download any of the reference sheets seen in this video, they are located in the description boxes of the NP Binder Videos.
Clinicals are a huge part of NP school, but they can be very overwhelming in the beginning! I’ve compiled my top 10 tips for how to succeed and stand out at Clinical when you are in school to become a Nurse Practitioner in order to ease some of that stress. I recently graduated from a Family Nurse Practitioner Program and utilized all of these tips in order to get the most out of my clinical experiences while in school.
Sallie Mae came to get me this week! Goodbye to loan deferment. This week we focus on the student loans that Joe and I have racked up over the years. I’ll talk about my student loans from NP school, nursing school loans, and what Joe’s loans are from. I’ll also discuss what our biggest regrets are in terms of loans, our education, and what we wish we had done differently! I’ll also discuss what we are thinking of doing to payback my Nurse Practitioner school and Nursing school loans, while still having a life. So if you’ve ever been curious about just how much debt I’m swimming in? This ones for you!