If you’ve been to a Doctors office lately, I’m sure you noticed that you were spending quite a long time sitting in the waiting room and even the exam room, before you got your 10 minutes with the provider. Primary care wait times, whether it is in a family practice or specialty clinic have been increasing in the last few years, adding frustration to patients and providers alike. If you’ve ever wondered WHY the wait is getting so out of hand, this video is a demonstration of just how quickly appointment times can be delayed. We will follow Ella and Mr Pilot through their appointments with a Nurse Practitioner, in order to see in real time, what is going on in primary care offices, causing them to become so behind.
Welcome to another weekly vlog! This week was much calmer, no moving in sight! In this weeks vlog I tell you all about my new Family Nurse Practitioner job, including how much I will be making, and what I used to make as a nurse. I’ll also go into what my schedule will be like as an NP, what benefits I don’t have, and what I have found to stress about now! Avery has her first birthday, 12 month well child visit, and I have my usual rambles. Hope you enjoy and all have a great week!
Studying for Nurse Practitioner Boards Exams can be crazy stressful and overwhelming! This video will hopefully reduce some of that stress, by laying out a great study strategy to utilize when preparing to take your Family Nurse Practitioner Boards Exam, or really, any other NP boards exam! In this video I will go into what I did when preparing to take the FNP AANP Boards exam, and what I would do differently the next time around. I explored a few other studying methods as well so I could provide you with the best recommendations for how to pass your boards exam on your first try! Happy studying!
FNP Boards Review Book by Leik (comes with free app with all content on it)*
*you will probably want to buy this new, otherwise the code for the app may be used already!*